Why You Need to Focus on Your Health After 30 (Especially After 40)
If you're over 30, it's time to start paying closer attention to your health. If you're over 40, you absolutely need to prioritize it. Health is a fundamental right, but as you age, maintaining it becomes increasingly essential.
I have an 87-year-old patient who’s an inspiration. He can outpace many 47-year-olds, not only physically but mentally as well. He’s currently studying Ancient Greek at university, working on his second book, and has three more lined up. Oh, and did I mention he’s 87? He’s always asking me about health. Recently, he brought in his supplements for me to review.
When I was in my 20s, I felt invincible. I could eat whatever I wanted, drink whatever I wanted, and never had any issues—at least, not that I could feel. But as I’ve grown older, I've noticed some patterns among my patients that really highlight the importance of taking care of your body as you age.
The 3 Major Issues That Catch Up to Us
Let’s use a simple analogy. Imagine going on a hike and every 100 yards, you have to pick up a rock and put it in your backpack. How far do you think you’d make it?
At first, you might think, "I’ll just bring a smaller backpack." Sure, that would help you go farther with less weight. But here’s the thing: your body works in much the same way. Over time, small things can accumulate and cause bigger problems.
This isn't a weight loss discussion, but it's something I see regularly in my practice. Through hair analysis, I’ve noticed that many of my patients are showing low mineral levels.
Why Does This Happen?
The simplest explanation is that you’re not getting enough of the right nutrients. Nutrient deficiencies build up over time. While you may have reserves that allow you to function, eventually they catch up with you—usually by the time you're over 30.
The Hidden Toll of Old Injuries
Another common issue that catches up with people are old injuries. Many patients come to me with complaints of numbness or pain that seem to appear out of nowhere, but when we trace it back, it often goes back to an accident or injury from years ago.
For example, I see this frequently with people who were in car accidents in their teens or early 20s, but never sought chiropractic care. The neck or upper spine is often subtly injured—so subtly that you don’t feel it immediately. But after 25 years of neglect, it can start to affect your hands, causing numbness or tingling.
How do I know this? I can often see it in an X-ray—there will be visible bone spurs on one or two vertebrae, but the rest of the spine looks perfectly normal.
What Can You Do About It?
To prevent old injuries from catching up with you, get your spine checked regularly by a chiropractor. Don’t wait until there’s pain; the damage can start in just 1-2 years, and pain doesn’t always show up right away. A monthly chiropractic checkup is a great way to keep things in check.
Toxins: The Silent Accumulators
As we age, our bodies become like warehouses for toxins. These chemicals accumulate so gradually that we don’t always notice them—until it's too late. Our bodies are constantly exposed to toxins, often in ways we don’t realize. Chemicals, especially those that mimic estrogen, can gradually disrupt our hormones and overall health.
One of the worst offenders? Aluminum. It’s present in many everyday products, and it builds up in the body over time. If you’re deficient in minerals, it’s even harder to detoxify from aluminum. Long-term accumulation of aluminum in the brain is linked to Alzheimer’s disease, which is why it’s primarily a concern for older adults.
It’s Not All Doom and Gloom
You might be thinking, “This sounds overwhelming. Why even bother?” But here’s the good news: it’s not as hard as it sounds, and the alternative is far less pleasant.
Here are the 3 key principles that will help you age better and feel healthier:
1. Eat Nutrient-Dense Foods
Focus on organic, whole foods that are rich in nutrients. Avoid junk food, which is low in essential vitamins and minerals. Your body needs proper fuel to function, so make every bite count.
2. See a Chiropractor Regularly
I’ve had the privilege of seeing 80-year-olds who have been seeing a chiropractor for 50 years versus those who haven’t seen one at all. The difference is staggering. A healthy spine supports overall well-being, and regular chiropractic care can help keep things in balance. Your spine can hide pain for years, but that doesn’t mean it’s not causing damage.
3. Reduce Toxin Exposure
Toxins are everywhere—household cleaners, personal care products, even the air we breathe. Do your best to reduce your exposure by choosing organic foods, and opting for natural cleaners and personal care products. Cancer, a growing concern in today’s world, is often linked to environmental toxins.
As an additional step, consider doing a detox program at least once a year to help your body eliminate accumulated chemicals. Daily support, like Livaplex from Standard Process, can be an easy and effective way to support your liver and detox pathways.
Final Thoughts: Take Action Now
Aging is inevitable, but how you age is largely in your hands. It’s not about perfection; it’s about making small, consistent choices that can add up to a healthier life as you age.
Stay proactive, focus on nutrition, get regular chiropractic care, and reduce your exposure to toxins. It’s never too late to start—take the first step today to feel better tomorrow.