Detox daily? ... Really

This has been a fairly consistent topic in the office because of all the spraying in the air. I was talking to a patient about heavy metal toxicity and how common it was. I always have some when I test myself. She asked “where does it come from?” I can be lots of places. I can be arsenic in chickens that are fed poor feed. It can be from dental fillings. It can be in plain table salt, baking powder, aluminum pots and pans, etc. Then I mentioned the grand daddy of them all. The aluminum being sprayed in the air… all the time.

She looked at me with the you’re crazy face. I know that look well.

It’s called geoengineering. The government sprays chemicals in the air to change the weather, theoretically. You can learn a lot here

Heavy metals are just one avenue of toxicity. You and I are surrounded by man-made chemicals, all the time. Agricultural chemical and pharmaceuticals are found in water. Heck, people spray their yards and their homes to kill weeds and bugs. Pesticides are on foods. Check this article out from the environmental working group,

They are most famous for producing the dirty dozen foods here

If you want an awesome hack to greatly simplify shopping download the YUKA app. You can scan just about anything with a bar code and it’ll tell you what nasty chemicals are in there. I dare you to download the app and check your lotion bottle.

Industrial chemicals are in processed foods, and air pollution is filled with who knows what. That’s pretty easy to show people in Salt Lake in the winter. You can see it in the air.

The point of this is to help get you thinking about clean living. There are 2 major things I’ve learned over the years of writing about health. Toxins are the largest contributor to cancer. I wrote a book about that. Here is a list of chemicals that cause cancer. Use the link because it’s fairly well buried in the website. Ignore the constant donate now pop-ups.

The second most important thing I’ve learned over time is that toxic chemicals are persistent and some never leave your body. What that means is that they accumulate over time, especially if you never try and get them out, ie…detoxification.

You can’t take a pharmaceutical man-made chemical to get rid of other man-made chemicals. It needs natural compounds in foods to give your liver the ammo it needs to break these chemicals down and get rid of them.

Here is the problem, most people don’t consume a lot or even any dark green leafy veggies, globe artichokes, Brussels sprouts, lemons, garlic, onion, beets, turmeric, bitter herbs, etc. This will be especially true if you are on a carnivore type diet.

Here is how I’ve decided to deal with this enormous problem.

  1. I do 2 one week detoxes a year in an organized program. Many of you have done this through Solutions 4.

  2. I take the SP cleanse from Standard Process 2-3 times a year. It takes a week each time.

  3. I do 1-2 heavy metal cleanses a year for prevention because every time I test for them, I have them. This is easy with the Chelaco supplement. This will not pull aluminum out. Aluminum has a different electrical charge than the other metals. Aluminum is extremely difficult to get out. It’s one of the main causes of Alzheimer’s.

  4. And….Yes, I do something daily. Why? well, because of all the reason listed above. You and I are living in a modern world. I do a few things. I make a super charged smoothie most days with SP protein powder and SP Power mix. These are filled with whole foods. If you want to see a video it is here. I also take either LivCo from Mediherb or Livaplex from Standard Process daily for some general liver health and cleaning.

  5. I try and make organic and natural choices every day with food and products. This is just an intro to detox, there are many more aspects from how your intestines work, the water you intake, or even drugs you take. It’s impossible to do everything perfect, so just do the best you can. For fun take this toxicity quiz and let me know how you did.

If you want to order any of the supplements or have questions just reach out or talk to me in the office.

Dave Altman